adsense tips

I have mentioned Google Adsense as "The Easiest and Fastest way to Earn Money online" but in reality its quite difficult when you start using Adsense, yes for the past two months 99 persons has joined under me in Adsense but only 2 persons has crossed the $5 limit, that means i have got only 2% conversion rate (success rate). That means all these persons dosent knew "something" which I knew, and that "something" is "Tips & Tricks" so here I am giving you free Google Adsense Tips & Tricks

1. Blend your Ads : Make the border and bgcolor of your ads same as website bgcolor. By this way your ad will blend into your website content and you can easily increase your CTR.
2. Monitor : Create URL Channels for all your websites, if possible for each page. This is very important, because to improve your earnings you need to know where you stand on impression, CTR and earnings of each page.
3. Ad Placement : Best place to put your ads is TOP of the page. Second best is within the content. If you are using blog you can put your ads in the SIDEBAR. Monitor the CTR of each Ad Units by creating custom channels.
4. Focus on one topic : When you create a website always focus on a single topic, not even give links to other websites that dosent fit in your topic. Reason for doing so is, the individual ads appearing in your website will be different than your topic, and "Click on a Ad which is different than your topic will have a very low cost (CPC of $0.01)".
5. Use all ad units : As per Adsense terms and conditions you can put 3 Ad units, 1 Link unit and 2 search boxes. Use all of them wisely in all your webpages.
6. Donts : a) Never ever click on your own ads. Google will disable your account if you do so. b) Dont try to get traffic from traffic exchanges and autosurfs. c) Always keep an eye on your CTR. Sudden increase in your CTR will raise an alarm to the Google Adsense team to investigate.
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